Student Support
At FWCSS we work with each child holistically, recognising that they have a unique experience of life and learning.
We view every child with unconditional positive regard and use a multi-faceted perspective to understand their needs. We recognise that at times, our student’s need specific support to access and engage in school-based learning, and social relationships at school.
Our Student Support Team works across the Early Childhood and Primary school and includes classroom assistants and aides, as well as academic and wellbeing support staff.
The Student Support Team works collaboratively, led by the Classroom Teacher. They support the specific goals and development of whole classes, small groups and individual students. Where needed, Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s) are developed in partnership with a student’s parents/caregivers. An ILP details goals and strategies to support the student, with a focus on the strengths they bring to their learning. ILP’s are regularly reviewed to reflect the student’s progress.
Steiner therapy
Rudolf Steiner described some of the ways educators can “see” a child and consider what approaches and practices may best support their holistic growth and development. These perspectives have been thoroughly examined by scholars since the inception of Steiner Education, and many are seen as forerunners to contemporary theories of positive education. They include the threefold and fourfold natures of the human being; a child’s temperament; the 12 senses; the constitutional polarities; the medical makeup of a child and more. Our teachers and visiting practitioners work with these through the curriculum, Extra lesson, art therapy, Eurythmy, connection with nature and anthroposophical medicine to name a few.
Medical and Allied Health
Allied health professionals can bring specific knowledge, skills, and recommendations that support a child to participate in school life, and more fully benefit from their Steiner Education.
At FWCSS we work closely with families who access or are considering external supports such as medical specialists, educational psychologists, play therapists, speech and occupational therapists. The school can apply for Disability funding through the independent schools funding stream, in some circumstances.
Berry St
In 2023 FWCSS introduced the Berry St Model of Trauma Informed Positive Education as a practical framework for consistently managing children’s participation in school life, across the school. In kindergarten this approach is brought implicitly, with teachers guiding children towards behaviour that allows all children to safely participate in the rhythm and routine of the kinder day.
In the Primary School the children are gradually introduced to Ready to Learn plans, social circles, the Behaviour Support flow chart and other tools that build their understanding of safe and positive behaviour at school. Berry St strategies are explicitly taught at a time that aligns with our child development principles.
Child Safety
At FWCSS we have zero tolerance for child abuse. We are committed to providing a child safe environment, including the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, gender diverse children, and children with a disability. Our Child Safety Officers are available to support all community members who wish to discuss any matters concerning Child Safety.